Automated Medical Image Analysis
Intelligent tools powered by machine-learning for medical professionals.

ORC is funded in part by a grant from the UW-Extension Ideadvance Seed Fund through its partnership with the WI Economic Development Corporation and the University of Wisconsin System.

Organic Research Corp. formed in February 2014 as a spinoff of technology developed at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the Medical College of Wisconsin. In June 2014, ORC won the Information Technology category at 2014 Wisconsin Governor’s Business Plan competition. ORC was selected as one of ten companies to participate in the inaugural Ideadvance Seed Fund - Stage 1. In January 2015, ORC was selected to continue to Ideadvance - Stage 2. ORC was recognized by BioForward as one of five emerging companies in Wisconsin in 2014.
About Us
- Organic Research is a dynamic team of experienced creatives and scientists with a combined fifty years of experience in research, design, education, and interactive media.
Board of Directors
- Scott Vanderbeck, President and CEO, ORC
- Michael Major, PhD, Major Pharmaceuticals
- Christopher Surges, Next Electric, Inc.
- University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
- Medical College of Wisconsin
- Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
- National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health
- Digestive Disease Week
- Human Pathology
- In the news
- Wisconsin Governor’s Business Plan Contest
- UW-Extension Ideadvance
- BioForward
What we do
ORC specializes in developing automated medical image analysis tools. Our tools are powered by supervised machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence. These tools are used by medical professionals to automatically identify medically significant regions of interest in digital images.
Physician Image Labeler
- Allows for detailed annotation and labeling of high resolution images over the web
- Supports 2D and 3D imaging
- Also available for those needing image annotations on any image modality.
- Exports pixel accurate annotation data in user friendly .csv files
Digital Liver Pathology Aid
- Tool for quantifying the 3 cardinal lesions of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
- Steatosis
- Lobular Inflammation
- Hepatocyte Ballooning
- Download: Investor Information
- Download: Product Information
Coming soon
We are working on two other exciting products in the medical image analysis arena that we can't tell you about just yet.
Custom Solutions
Looking for a solution for your particular need? Contact us and let us develop algorithms catered to your needs.